We offer an innovative online marketing platform built right here on Prince Edward Island. We utilize social media, promotions, special content and search engine optimization to help increase the visibility of your business online. Simply put, when Islanders head online to find their next home service provider, we want to make sure they find you [for more info and reviews click here…]

On March 16, 2020, the Province of PEI declared a Public Health Emergency as part of its efforts to flatten the curve, and slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Non-essential businesses have closed with others taking careful precautionary measures. We recently chatted with Richards’ Roofing to see how COVID-19 is affecting their business operations [for more info and reviews click here…]

On March 16, 2020, the Province of PEI declared a Public Health Emergency as part of its efforts to flatten the curve, and slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Non-essential businesses have closed with others taking careful precautionary measures. With the unprecedented times we’re currently experiencing with the pandemic of COVID-19, the daily operations [for more info and reviews click here…]

On March 16, 2020, the Province of PEI declared a Public Health Emergency as part of its efforts to flatten the curve, and slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Non-essential businesses have closed with others taking careful precautionary measures. This post outlines the precautionary measures that Refrigeration Specialists Inc. (RSI) are undertaking during this [for more info and reviews click here…]